Our lovely classroom welcomes our little ones and Key Stage 1 children with bright boards, space and interactive multimedia learning.
We have a terrific IT suite and library area too!

We communicate with parents and carers through ClassDojo and often post highlights of the day to share with those at home.
‘Charlie the Dragon’ is our class toy who gets to go home with a child each week. He will come in a bag with his overnight rucksack and a book you can write or draw in about the exciting time he has had. Charlie is then bought back to school the following week and the class listen to his adventures in show and tell.
Links to fun games and activities for all areas of the curriculum:
Reception children (Penguins) are taught alongside the Dolphins but have their own areas within the classroom, a small group room and a lovely outside area which includes a large sandpit and water wall. This area also has a gate which allows the children to use the field and outdoor classroom for their learning and play too.
We use the Jolly Phonics scheme with the reception children, the following link has information, songs and games the children can play at home.
KS1 children use Phonics Bug Scheme which can also be accessed at home with the children’s usernames and passwords which are available from the class teacher.